Becoming a plant mom…

Plants really do make a house feel like a home. Unfortunately, if you’re like me then you forget how to take care of them and they end up barely surviving, not thriving. As i’ve grown a little older I no longer have a hugely short attention span and I have managed to successfully keep a plant alive! Given that plant is a cacti and they might be the easiest to nurture, I don’t have reason to celebrate yet but…here I am anyway, introducing my newest plants!


This is the newest plant i’m so excited to own! The monstera has the potential, if looked after, to grow fast. It can reach amazing heights and it’s bold green colour really pops in any space.

I’ve currently placed mine in my living room and it gives the room a fresh new life! A monstera should be watered pretty frequently, whenever the top soil dries out it’s time.



I’ve had this plant a little longer than the others but I’m still learning with this one. The areca palm is quite hard to keep alive so i’m told. It requires just the right amount of both sun and water.

Much like the monstera above it needs water whenever the top soil gets dry but I have a little help with this plant. I use the IKEA CHILIPULVER watering sensor to let me know when it’s watering time. It’s the best £3.75 i’ve ever spent! I was skeptical because the reviews aren’t good but from my experience it has really given the hand I need to become a better plant mummy!



Another newest addition (bought at the same time as my monstera) I so wanted a trailing plant. I never knew it was so hard to come across string of pearl plants that aren’t artificial! However, i’ve previously owned this plant and it didn’t live a long life. Needless to say, I was apprehensive to give it another go but I feel like it’s the right time.

My mistake last time was that I re-potted this plant straight away into a much larger pot than it needed. I have left it in the pot it came in for now until it’s little roots get stronger! It needs watering as much as the larger plants and in the summer months, according to my research, it should be misted to avoid dryness to the leaves. It can grow to be extremely long and i’m excited to see if we get those results!

I’ll keep everyone posted on this one though. To be honest, i’ll be happy with it just surviving longer than it’s previous friend.



My trusted cacti! I purchased this plant from IKEA a while back because I figured it was the easiest plant to keep alive. I was so right, although this comes from the woman that killed a succulent (oops!) Anyway, this plant has had plenty of sun sitting on my living room coffee table and I made sure not to over water it!

I tend to only water it when it comes to summer and let it do it’s own thing in the winter, misting it if we’re looking a bit sad. It’s working whatever i’m doing and we have new little cacti popping up!

I’m unsure as to whether i’ll take the plunge and try to repot this one, what do you think? Let me know in the comments down below. In fact if anyone has any suggestions or advice on up keeping houseplants then i’m totally open to learning more!


What plants do you own/want to own? I can’t get enough of how vibrant it makes a room when there’s real plants around!
I’m working on some exciting projects for the blog that I can’t wait to share with everyone very soon!


Trendspotting: Forward to Fall


An Eatin’ Mess: cooking from Magnolia Table